The Atari Compendium
The Atari Compendium (Toad Computers) (1994).iso
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!!! Order Data Diet now for the special intro !!!
!!! price of $59.95. Hurry, the price will go !!!
!!! up on December 1, 1991. !!!
!!! !!!
!!! If you are a registered owner of a Double !!!
!!! Click product, you should have received the !!!
!!! DC Source newsletter by now. If you have !!!
!!! not gotten yours, call us at (713)977-6520. !!!
!!! Overseas distributor information below !!!
DC No Alert v1.0
Copyright © 1991 Double Click Software
Program by Michael B. Vederman and Keith Gerdes
DC No Alert is a FREEWARE program. A FREEWARE program is one which you
may freely distribute, but you cannot charge for it or alter the program or
contents of the documentation in any manner. Double Click Software retains
all copyright exclusive rights except exclusive distribution.
DC No Alert will keep an alert box from being displayed and will 'fake' the
return of the DEFAULT button. So, in an alert that says, "Really Quit?" with
the YES button being the default, you'd hear a little 'bing' and that's it.
The YES button will be returned as the button selected.
We originally wrote this program to avoid having those _annoying_ alert boxes
that come up every time you copy to or paste from the First Word buffer (how
much this is a pain - and no switch to turn it off!!!).
However, since writing it and using it, we've found it useful in many other
places: for example, when exiting Flash with <ALT>+<X>, you just hear the
tone saying the alert was bypassed, or in GEnie's Aladdin, you don't have
to say you want to go to the next section when you reach the last message.
Installing DC No Alert
>To install DC No Alert:
1) Copy DCNOALRT.ACC to your desk accessory bootup path.
2) Reset your computer. DC No Alert will install.
Using DC No Alert
Ain't nothing to it.
When an alert box is supposed to appear, you hear a short tone (the lowest
pitch of the three), and no alert box is shown. The application will think
that the default button has been selected.
>To turn DC No Alert ON:
1) Press the <ALTERNATE>+<CONTROL>+<LEFT SHIFT>+<[> [open square bracket]
at the same time to turn DC No Alert ON (the default is ON). You will
hear a short tone indicating it is on.
>To turn DC No Alert OFF:
1) Press the <ALTERNATE>+<CONTROL>+<LEFT SHIFT>+<]> [close square bracket]
at the same time to turn DC No Alert OFF. You will hear a short tone
(lower in pitch than ON) indicating it is off.
>To change the bootup default:
1) Dig out your favorite sector editor. (Memfile 3.0 or MichTron Utils)
2) Go to offset 0x25 HEX (37 decimal). This is right after the first 'DCna'
3) Change the byte number to:
1 = default is on
0 = default is off
>To get alert box if DC No Alert is on:
1) Press the <ALTERNATE>+<CONTROL> keys when you expect an alert to appear.
DC CPXtensions - six incredibly useful CPXs for the new Atari Extensible
Control Panel (Xcontrol). You don't want to be without this package!
Look for details and a demo coming within weeks!
Retail price: $29.95
Available: September 1991
DC DATA DIET - Realtime compression of _all_ files. Double your data storage
device capacity, while using every single file the same as you always have!
*** Absolutely no other product on the market comes close to Data Diet.
*** Absolutely the fastest compression and decompression around, bar none.
100% compatibility!
Check out some test results:
File type No. of Normal Size Diet Size You save!!
files in bytes in bytes percentage
Postscript (.PS) 9 1104706 234490 79%
PageStream (.DOC) 22 1230167 365157 71%
Various pictures
(some already compressed) 26 834488 625133 26%
First Word + (.DOC) 7 56609 26046 53%
Don't buy another hard disk!
retail price: $59.95
Availability: September 1991
Have you purchased the DC DESKTOP or DC UTILITIES version 2.0???
If not, you owe yourself the pleasure of using our superb programs.
"These programs are aSTounding!" - Ken Badertscher, ATARI Corp. talking
about the DC UTILITIES v2.0
"The DC DESKTOP is a permanent part of my system!"
- Ron Luks, Founder of Compuserve's Sig Atari
Call us to order, or ask your local retailer.
If you like this program, great!
Be sure to let us know what ideas or comments you have about our software.
We are always anxious to hear what anyone has to say!
You can reach us almost everywhere!
By Mail
Double Click Software
PO BOX 741206
Houston, TX 77274
By Phone
Double Click Software : (713)977-6520
GEnie : DOUBLE-CLICK (Atari ST Roundtable, CATegory 30)
CompuServe : 75300,577 (GO ATARIVendors, area 13)
Usenet : uace0@menudo.uh.edu
DC BBS : (713)944-0108
SoftVille Computer Supplies
Unit 5, Stratfield Park
Elettra Avenue
Hampshire P07 7XN
Tel: 0705 266509
Netherlands and Dutch Belgium
Uitgeverij Divo
M. Gijzenburg 14
2907 HG Capelle a/d IJssel
Tel: 010 458 7640
France, French Belgium and French Switzerland
Arobace Editions
2 Rue Piemontesi
75018 Paris
Tel: (1) 42 23 50 44
Stephen's Music Center
2 Moore Road
New South Wales
Australia 2777
Tel: 61 516 196
Austech Computers
157 Whitehorse Rd.
Blackburn 3130
Tel: 61 3 894 1652
This program is supplied in the belief that it operates as specified,
neither Double Click Software (the company) nor the authors shall not be liable
in any circumstance whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage to
property incurred or suffered by the customer or any other person as a result
of any fault or defect in the goods or services supplied by the company
and in no circumstances shall the company be liable against consequential
damage or loss of profits (whether or not the possibility thereof was
separately advised to it or reasonably forseeable) arising from the use or
performance of such goods or services.